I work with oil painting, printmaking, and writing. Themes and content ranges and depends on the mood. Sometimes I teach screen printing and bookmaking at Studio Two Three where I share a space with Cody from Cut and Run Vintage.

Studying anatomy, working through Bargue plates, and moseying through the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts keeps me present and intentional in my studio practice.

Richmond, VA is home.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist and Nationally-Certified Emergency Medical Technician—Basic. Neither are separate from my studio practice, they all work in cahoots.

Anyone interested in consistently supporting my practice is invited to subscribe to my patreon account. Subscribers receive work in the mail monthly, sometimes I’m late because of various reasons but I’ll get you the goods. Subscribers also have access to writings, responses, criticisms, and processes. Every dollar helps immensely, trust me.

And when I’m not doing all the aforementioned things, I’m doing other fun things. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I’m a yapper, and I’m always down to talk to anyone about pretty much anything, so feel free to reach out and say hey.